Safety Stand Down Day

April 17, 2024

At WJ Project Services, we take safety seriously.

Stand Down

We work in an inherently dangerous industry, dealing with High Voltage power supplies which are often located on or near operational railway lines. As such, there is nothing more important to us than continuing to ensure that every worker gets home safe after every shift.

Every six months, we organise a Safety Stand Down where the whole team get together to focus on safety. It's a full-day event during which we can study any changes to industry standards, explore safety-related opportunities brought about by technological developments and engage in open discussion around any safety-related events which we may have experienced or witnessed in our day-to-day project work.

Arc Flash

This time, we had a guest presenter from Electrical Safety UK, who was kind enough to share a detailed presentation on arc flash risks. We also invited two of our sister companies, TP Matrix and E-Trac to give presentations on their operations, enabling discussions on where synergies can be found to offer increased value to our customers through electronics refurbishments which could help deal with the issue of component obsolescence specifically related to protection and control equipment such as electronic relays. This will not only reduce waste in our part of the industry but also offer reduced cost to our end user client, Network Rail.


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